Chapter 3: Rights and responsibilities



Days pass by and Ana works hard at the capital’s hospital. She finds herself facing more and more dilemmas. To make sure she makes the right decisions, she needs to learn more about her rights and responsibilities and about States’ obligations regarding health care. Roger, an ICRC delegate working with her, agrees to help her.
- Roger: “Hey Ana, you look very tired! Is everything alright?”
- Ana: “Hey Roger! I feel quite confused about a couple of issues, especially about the rights and duties of medical personnel. Certain situations are very challenging and I’m not always sure what the right decision is.”
- Roger: “Maybe I could help you shed some light on the issue. To make it simple, the wounded and the sick enjoy a general right to be: cared for, collected, protected, respected. States and health-care personnel have obligations and responsibilities for each of these categories. I actually know of some cases that might help put things into perspective for you.”